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Author: Alzheimer's WA

Maintaining connections in these uncertain times

In these uncertain and unprecedented times, and with so much attention on our physical health, it is easy to overlook our emotional and mental health. Right now, many people are experiencing increasingly high levels of stress and anxiety over current…

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The whole person

Getting a diagnosis of dementia can be a difficult and long process. Often people are told there is nothing much that can be done for you, go home and get your affairs in order. With more and more people being…

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Reducing your risk of dementia

The last thing anyone wants to do in retirement is worry about their health. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, dementia is the leading cause of death in women and the second leading cause of death for all Australians.…

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Senior woman chatting to her caretaker

Tackling the tricky topics

Are you comfortable talking about the subject of mental health, sexuality or death? What if you were talking to your kids, partner or parents, and the subject was your own mental health, sexuality or death? Many people will find at…

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Friends playing cards together at home.

Use it or lose it mentally

While you can’t do anything to guarantee you won’t develop dementia there is a growing body of evidence that you can significantly reduce the risk of developing it. It’s previously been shown that higher levels of education early in life…

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Murray and Robin

Murray and Robin’s Story

Murray was 76 years old when he realised that he needed to see his GP about problems he was having with finding the right words to say and remembering details of past events. He was referred to a Memory Clinic…

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Tom Harmon

Tom’s Story

After I was informed that exercise is beneficial to a person who has ‘acquired’ Parkinson’s Disease, I set out to find an exercise program that would be appropriate for me. Consideration needed to be given to the availability of the…

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