Dementia Care in the Home
Confused about home care services?
Don’t know where to start?
Worried about keeping your loved ones safe at home?
Wondering what Alzheimer’s WA, Hawthorn House can offer?
Angela and Eloise from Alzheimer’s WA, Hawthorn House will be visiting Denmark on the following dates to assist with home care package enquiries, navigating My Aged Care, Referring to ACAT, respite services, social groups, etc :
Monday 19 Feb, 10am – 3pm
Monday 26 Feb, 10am – 3pm
Monday 11 March, 10am – 3pm
Monday 18 March, 10am – 3pm
Come in and have a chat to us between 9am and 3pm at the Denmark Community Resource Centre.
Denmark Community Resource Centre
2 Strickland Street Denmark.