We have just completed an important week in our State’s health and I wanted to thank all our frontline staff, our home care support workers, our house staff and all our employees for managing this weeks’ lockdown so efficiently with great effect.
Perth and Peel regions exited lockdown at midnight Friday night as planned following one Covid-19 case in WA, but a number of interim restrictions remain in place for three days until Tuesday, 6 July 12.01am. Please visit the website online for detailed information.
What this means for us is that we continue to provide home care services but no group sessions in the Perth and Peel regions. Our Central Services office will be open with social distancing guidelines to be followed and masks to be worn. Interim transitional restrictions will remain in place until Monday 12 July, 12.01am but this is an evolving situation and we will keep you updated as more information becomes available.
The Morrison Govt repeated their request for vaccinations – the milestone of 8m doses in 8 days has been achieved. The continual request for vaccinations is based on the best possible medical advice for those who have no underlying conditions. It must be noted that the Delta strain is one of the most difficult and is able to move from individual to individual more easily.
Mr. Morrison had announced a four-phase pathway to transition Australia from its current phase of virus suppression to living with the virus and reducing serious illness, with each new phase triggered when Australia hits a threshold of vaccinated people. The messaging going forward is how to live with the virus as opposed to suppressing it.
Finally, let’s work together to keep each other, our family and loved ones and our community safe. I would like to thank our Covid19 response team who met with me every morning to ensure that we are providing you with adequate information, IT support, and any personal assistance you may need. We appreciate you being cognisant of your personal obligations in regards to the WA Government Covid19 updates and exposure sites available on www.wa.gov.au.
Kind regards,
Ella Dachs