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Elderly Man and Woman on Couch in Nursing Home

Health better than wealth

Retirement and getting older puts a new angle on talk about ‘sustainability’.  It’s a current buzz word for the financial survival for Governments, businesses and anything else we’re trying to deliver or sell.  As we retire and move beyond 60,…

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Woman in red sweater sharing quality time with her family

Importance of remaining socially active

It has been long known that a simple cup of tea possesses magic powers capable of fixing just about anything. Winston Churchill is rumoured to have said tea was as important to the Second World War effort as bullets, and…

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Grandparents enjoying their time with grandchildren

Ageing in place safely

Home sweet home.  T.S.Elliot wrote ‘home is where one starts from’.  With age, we also know that home is where we want to end.  One of the things we work hardest for throughout our earning life is the security of…

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An elderly couple reviewing documents

Tips to protect yourself from elder abuse

With increasing life expectancies for the ageing baby boomers, savvy financial planning for the golden years is the new black. Numerous revelations of the enquiries into the financial services sector, especially the Royal Commission, raises the bar in terms of…

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Aboriginal people with dementia spend their twilight years on traditional country

A pilot program at Bidyadanga

In remote Indigenous communities access to aged care services, in particular dementia-specific support, is limited or even non-existent. There is a pressing need for improved services and greater awareness and understanding of dementia among Aboriginal communities. Data suggests dementia prevalence…

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Elderly lady in her backyard

Telling people about your dementia diagnosis

A diagnosis of dementia is often confronting. Sadly, the first emotional response is often one of shame. Dementia is not a self-inflicted injury, yet the stigma of dementia means that shame can complicate how individuals respond to their diagnosis. The…

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