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An elderly couple reviewing documents

Plan for the unexpected

Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can help when times are tough. I think it can be said for many people that the older we get, the more we realise our happiness comes from things that money just can’t…

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Grandparents enjoying their time with grandchildren

Knowledge is power: busting dementia myths

There is still so much social stigma around dementia and most of it can be attributed to the lack of understanding of the disease. I challenge you to start a conversation using the information below to begin busting some dementia…

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Ros and Joan

The role of the carer

Next week is National Carers Week; a week that recognises and celebrates the exceptional contribution Australia’s 2.7 million unpaid carers make to our country. According to Carers WA, there is an estimated 320,000 family carers living in WA. The majority…

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Billy Connelly

We should all be a little bit more like Sir Billy

(Image courtesy Facebook) When speaking recently, comedian Sir Billy Connolly said “I’ve got Parkinson’s disease. I wish he’d kept it to himself.” Billy Connolly has had a great career pushing the boundaries in entertainment with his swashbuckling style, often risqué…

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When did you last think about retiring?

Our new (or latest) Prime Minister has announced a review of the Government’s previous decision to extend the retirement age to 70.  This brings the issue of when to retire back into focus. When did you last think about when…

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Elderly man in blue sweater with family on sofa

The difficulty in getting a diagnosis

You know that feeling when something isn’t quite right within yourself? It’s human nature to imagine the worst case scenario, first. Chronic, persistent pain or a lump under the skin? It must be cancer! Just ask Dr Google and you…

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Brent Ladyman

A carer’s life can be a lonely one

Let me ask you two questions. What happens after we retire and the social interaction of our working life ends? What plans have you made to ensure you will remain socially connected and engaged? Over the last twenty years I…

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